Reusable slings can be made of materials such as polyester, polypropylene or high strength fibres, depending on the specific load and working environment requirements.


They are usually designed with various branch configurations (single, double, multiple) and different types of ends (eyelets, hooks, rings) to suit a wide variety of lifting applications.


Description, Use and Regulations of Reusable Slings

Reusable slings are devices designed for the safe handling and lifting of loads in a variety of industrial and commercial environments. They are manufactured from durable materials that allow for repeated use under controlled conditions and in compliance with strict safety regulations.

Reusable slings are essential tools in many industries for the safe handling of heavy loads. Complying with European and Spanish regulations ensures that these slings are safe and reliable for continuous use. For more information on how our reusable slings can benefit your business, please contact us. We are committed to providing safe and efficient solutions for your lifting needs.


Reusable slings must comply with specific regulations to ensure their safety and performance. The main applicable regulations include:

  • European Standard:
    • EN 1492-1: Lifting slings. Part 1: Lifting slings made of woven materials.
    • EN 1492-2: Lifting slings. Part 2: Lifting slings made of rope.
    • These standards set out the design, manufacturing, marking and testing requirements to ensure that reusable slings are safe and meet strength and durability standards.
  • Spanish regulations:
    • Spanish regulations adopt the aforementioned European standards (UNE-EN 1492-1 and UNE-EN 1492-2) as part of the minimum occupational health and safety provisions for the use of lifting equipment.

Recommendations for Safe Use

To ensure safe and effective use of reusable slings, it is important to follow these recommendations:

  • Regular Inspection: Before each use, visually inspect the sling for damage, wear or deformities.
  • Personnel Training: Train personnel in the safe handling of slings and in the correct identification of load capacities and proper configurations.
  • Proper Maintenance: Follow manufacturer’s recommendations for proper maintenance and storage of slings.
  • Removal and Disposal: Remove from service any sling that shows signs of excessive wear or damage and dispose of it safely according to local regulations.

Request a quotation

Please fill in the following form to contact us and we can offer you the product that best suits your needs.

If you are already a user of a single-use sling, and if you could provide us with the characteristics of the slings you are using, we will send you a free quote in less than 24 hours.

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