Lightweight Mooring Systems: Description and Use

Lightweight lashing systems are devices designed to effectively and safely secure, secure and stabilise loads. They are made of high-strength synthetic materials such as polyester or nylon, which makes them lightweight, flexible and durable. These systems are widely used in various industrial and commercial applications due to their many advantages.


Use of Lightweight Lashing Systems

Lightweight lashing systems are used in a variety of contexts to secure loads efficiently and safely.

  • They keep equipment in place, preventing unwanted movement.
Sistemas de amarre

Main Components:

  • Belts: Straps are made of robust synthetic materials that offer high tensile strength and wear resistance.
  • Buckles and Hooks: Lightweight lashing systems include metal or plastic buckles and hooks that allow for quick and secure adjustment.
  • Tensioners: Some systems include turnbuckles that help apply proper tension to the strap to secure the load firmly.


  • High Strength: They can withstand significant loads without breaking or deforming.
  • Flexibility: The straps are flexible, making them easy to handle and adjust around different types of loads.
  • Lightweight: They are much lighter than traditional metal lashing systems, making them easier to handle and transport.
  • Weather Resistance: Synthetic materials are resistant to moisture, UV and most chemicals, which prolongs their service life.

Benefits of Lightweight Lashing Systems

  • Ease of Use: Simple design allows quick and efficient use without the need for specialised tools.
  • Versatility: They can be used in a wide range of applications, both commercial and personal.
  • Economy: They are generally less expensive than metal lashing systems and require less maintenance.
  • Portability: Due to their light weight, they are easy to transport and store, taking up little space.

Lightweight lashing systems are indispensable tools for securing and stabilising loads safely and efficiently. Their light weight, flexibility and high strength make them a preferred choice in various industries and applications. For more information on how lightweight lashing systems can benefit your business or project, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to provide you with the best lashing and securing solutions.


Recommendations for Regulatory Compliance

To ensure compliance with both Spanish and European regulations in the use of lightweight lashing systems, we recommend:

  • Training and Education: Ensure that all personnel involved in the use of lashing systems are adequately trained and educated in the regulations and best practices.
  • Regular Inspection: Conduct regular inspections of lashing systems to detect any signs of wear or damage that may compromise their effectiveness.
  • Documentation and Labelling: Maintain proper documentation and ensure that all slings and lashing devices are correctly labelled with the information required by regulations.
  • Procurement of Certified Equipment: Purchase lashing systems that comply with the relevant UNE and EN standards, thus ensuring compliance and safety.

Complying with Spanish and European regulations is essential to guarantee safety and efficiency in the use of lightweight lashing systems. These regulations not only ensure the protection of loads, but also the safety of workers and the environment in which they are used. For more information on how to comply with these regulations, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to offer you the best solutions in lashing and securing systems.

Request a quotation

Please fill in the following form to contact us and we can offer you the product that best suits your needs.

If you are already a user of a single-use sling, and if you could provide us with the characteristics of the slings you are using, we will send you a free quote in less than 24 hours.

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